Monday, July 14, 2014

Mile 10: Caution, meet wind.

I'm a bit of a introvert. I prefer game nights at home with family or one-on-one goofy conversations and inside jokes with my best friends. But, this upcoming trip is set to take me way outside my comfort zone and I'm unusually excited about it! My plan: focus on these tips to combat my internal introvert.

1. Smile - Its an easy way to make sure people know you are open to good conversations, questions, or interesting stories. Its your best asset anyway, right? Use it.

2. Say Yes - When someone on a group trip invites you to eat lunch with them, walk around town and go shopping or just chill with a cocktail, say yes please. The "No"-sayer will always feel like he or she lost out and you don't want to be that person. Of course this advice comes with a bit of caution - don't go off with the crazies - but most people are very kind.

3. Ask Questions - One of the ways I have felt comfortable approaching people in the past is by asking them questions when I'm lost, unclear about something (which happens often, let's be honest), or just plain curious (which also happens often). You have to be careful about who you ask of course, but locals waiters and waitresses, transportation conductors, shop owners or even children are great people to approach. They usually know a lot and will most likely give you an interesting story or an inside tip to go with their advice. The best part, the introvert in you will take a back seat to the Curious George in you.

4. Pace Yourself - Since introverts tend to enjoy spending time by themselves, don't over schedule yourself. Spend some time in the company of others but leave time to return to your comfort zone as well. Duck out on the party early or skip dessert at lunch. At the end of the day, give yourself an hour to write, read, listen to your music, etc. You'll be rejuvenated enough to put on your extrovert hat again the next day.

5. Go Solo - There is nothing "weird" about planning a solo day of travel for yourself. Take your journal, buy a really good cup of coffee and roam the streets of your enchanting location by yourself (be careful, of course). Use this time to think, explore your own interests or just "be present."

So, here's to me throwing some caution to the wind and welcoming the unexpected!

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